



Scout Activities Arrangements
 (更新日期 Updated on : 30/11/2020)
1. 繼續暫停小童軍支部面對面的童軍活動(包括活動、訓練、集會等)直至12月31日。
2. 由12月2日起,暫停幼童軍、童軍、深資童軍及樂行童軍支部面對面的童軍活動(包括活動、訓練、集會等)直至12月31日。
3. 由12月2日起,暫停所有成年成員面對面的活動及訓練直至12月15日。如成年成員需舉行會議,請盡量避免以面對面形式召開,而改以視像會議、電話會議或其他形式進行,以減低社交接觸及受感染的風險。

In light of the upsurge of confirmed cases of COVID-19, the Association will effect the following arrangements to protect the health safety of Scout members and staff:
1. For Grasshopper Scouts, face-to-face activities, training and Group meetings continue to be suspended until 31 December.
2. For Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venture Scouts and Rover Scouts, face-to-face activities, training and Group meetings will be suspended from 2 to 31 December.
3. For Adult Members, face-to-face activities and training will be suspended from 2 to 15 December. For necessary adult members’ meetings, please as far as possible convene them through video conference, tele-conference, etc, to minimize social contact.
Please note that the Association will keep reviewing the above arrangements in response to the latest development of COVID-19 and make timely announcements through the website.

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